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2020 Community Literacy Indicator Snapshots


Click the link below to find a PDF snapshot of each Georgia county's literacy indicator data. If you have questions, please contact


Find Your County Here

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Updates & Resources​


Grant Opportunity


The Georgia Foundation for Public Education & the Innovation Fund Foundation have partnered to provide a new grant opportunity – the COVID-19 Response Fund.

What is the COVID-19 Response Fund?
The COVID-19 Response Fund grant provides traditional public schools, charter schools, and school districts up to $10,000 to mitigate the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the following areas: school meals, distance/remote learning services and software, facilities/equipment, mental health services, supplemental learning services, professional learning, and services for at-risk student populations. The COVID-19 Response Fund grant application launched on April 16, 2020 and is due on April 30, 2020. Winners will be announced in mid-May. 


Who is eligible to apply?

You are eligible to apply for a COVID-19 Response Fund grant if:

  • You are a school administrator, principal, or instructional coach at a charter school or traditional public school in the state of Georgia;

  • You are a K-12 teacher at a Georgia charter school or traditional public school who has been teaching for at least three years*; or

  • You are another type of leadership-level administrator in a Georgia LEA.


In addition, schools identified on the Turnaround Eligible Schools List and school districts located in a low-wealth counties in Georgia will receive priority points on their application.


For more information about the grant program, including the timeframe and how to apply, please visit the COVID-19 Response Fund web page.



Additional Resources


Georgia Family Connection Partnership

Virus updates and information, school closings, meal assistance programs, learning resources, digital learning resources, literacy resources, Pre-K and Whole Child at-home activities etc.


Cox Campus App

Digital education resources.


GEEARS Policy Updates

Information about COVID-19 and how you can encourage Georgia's Congressional leaders to prioritize young children and families during this difficult time.


DECAL Resource Page

Virus updates and childcare resources, how to talk to your children about coronavirus.


Georgia Dept. of Education

Resources for schools and districts, public health information, mental health links, school meal flexibility.



Distance Learning: FREE at-home classroom resources provided by GPB Education and Georgia Dept. of Education



Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) Resource Page

Links to partner resources, DOE, closures, meals.


PIE Network

A collection of resources that may be helpful to families as well as local, state, and district leaders.


Verizon Innovative Learning Schools Connection

Resources and platform for remote learning.


Voices for Georgia’s Children

Educational resources, meal service providers, virus updates, how to explain coronavirus to your children.




​Quick Links


Early Learning


Summer/ After School



Literacy For All One-Pagers


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Awareness Videos



Georgia Literacy Commission


The Georgia Literacy Commission launched June 21 in Atlanta. Led by co-chairs, First Lady Sandra Deal, Wendell Dallas, VP, Operations, Atlanta Gas Light, Phil Jacobs, retired president AT&T Ga., and Teya Ryan, CEO & Pres., GPB, the Commission will study national best practices to break the multigenerational cycle of low literacy and publish recommendations.


Learn more here.

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Deloitte Study


Literacy For All launched in November 2016 as a donor-advised initiative of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta. Literacy For all is also a campaign and movement - we are creating new alliances, awareness and advocacy opportunities to break the multigenerational cycle of low literacy in Georgia. In January 2017, Literacy For All engaged Deloitte to conduct a pro bono study on the state of literacy in Georgia.


Click here to download the full report.

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